With nearly 400 services across CERN making use of the CERN Service Desk, you’ve probably had to open a few tickets over the years, from requesting a light bulb change to resetting your account password or safety questions. In fact, the Service Desk covers most of the things that a small town like CERN needs.
Those services and the tool used to keep track of your tickets were in place long before Operational Circular OC11 on “The Processing of Personal Data at CERN” was introduced, and the Service Management teams have recently been working hard to strengthen the protection of your personal data in tickets in order to comply with OC11.
A recently introduced feature now allows each service to define how long your closed tickets will remain in the system. Services can choose from five different options to cover the various requirements across CERN: from five days to seven years and even indefinitely for certain cases, depending on the service’s need to process and retain information. The Privacy Notice of each service will be updated accordingly.
When you receive a message that your ticket has been resolved, it will soon include information on when the ticket will be deleted from the system, as decided by that service:

This means that, when that date has been reached, the ticket will no longer appear in the “My Items” section of the Service Portal or in the ServiceNow tool.
The list of options and further details are available in KB0009258. For more information on Data Retention, please refer to the Guidelines provided in the Admin e-guide.