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Distribution of proximity detecting devices has started on CERN sites

Reserve your slot online and pick up your Proximeter at various locations around campus

CERN's Proximeter
The "proximeter" is a sensing device that will help personnel at CERN break the Covid-19 chain of contact cases (Image: CERN)

The CERN-developed and CERN-produced Proximeters are now available for distribution around the Organization. Aiming to break chains of transmission of COVID-19, the box-shaped device, which is to be carried at all times while on site, will vibrate to warn its carriers when they move to within two metres of each other for more than 30 seconds, allowing them to move to a safe distance apart. It transmits details of the encounter every 15 minutes to a central database in CERN’s main computer centre, protected with state-of-the-art encryption and authentication mechanisms.

A pilot run of 950 units in December confirmed the effectiveness of the Proximeters, which successfully reported violations of the two-metre rule with an accuracy of up to 90%. This warrants their imminent full-scale roll out. Please note that the use of Proximeters will become compulsory on the CERN sites from March and continue until the pandemic is over.

From now on, you may thus:

  • Reserve your slot to pick up your Proximeter on this page after consulting the table below indicating weekly distribution points.
  • Find out about the devices on the service portal using the key word “Proximeter”.

Learn more about the privacy aspects of the system in last year’s presentation of the device.