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Changes to provision of duty travel services at CERN


A call for tender for the provision of duty travel services was launched in autumn 2022. As endorsed by the Enlarged Directorate in March 2022, the specifications did not include the obligation to offer on-site services.

The procurement process has resulted in a new supplier, Egencia, being selected to provide such services online with a team of agents supporting CERN off-site from 1 January 2024. As a result, CWT has decided to reallocate most of the CERN on-site resources to their service centre in Nyon since 1 September and will be operating this hybrid service until the end of the year.

Trainings on the future online booking tool will be programmed towards the end of the year and in the start of 2024 for members of the personnel.

Questions can be addressed to the Duty Travel Coordination service.