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New CERN shuttle service contract

A new supplier will be operating the CERN regular and on-demand shuttle services, as of 1 February


As of 1 February 2018 a new supplier will be operating the CERN regular and on-demand shuttle services.

The CERN regular shuttle service will be running with buses provided by the contractor with an adapted capacity, notably for circuit 4 (to and from Geneva Airport).

With the implementation of this new contract, the timetables will shortly be adapted to the recent TPG changes. This allows for a better connection for the CERN community with the regular TPG circuits. All details are available on the SMB website: http://smb-dep.web.cern.ch/en/ShuttleService

The CERN mobility services are working towards further improvements, at a later stage, in particular to the service between the Meyrin and Prevessin sites – as a part of the CERN mobility strategy.