Have you seen an A3 white artist's portfolio?

Please get in touch if you know the whereabouts of a lost A3 artist's portfolio containing original artwork


Last seen in Room C, Main Building  Building 61, first floor on  Tuesday March 5th 2013 at CERN at 12.00am on the Meyrin site - one A3 sized artist's porfolio - white ribbed transparent plastic.

Contents include an original storyboard,  which is laid out like a cartoon series, depicting the adventures of a  dynamic girl wearing a breathing apparatus on the hunt for the Higgs at CERN.

Please contact ariane.koek@cern.ch direct line  +41 22  76 75246 with any information you might have regarding this portfolio - whether  you have seen it and/or most of all, found it or know where it is.

The storyboard is original creative work and means a great deal to the artist.