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Fifth FCC physics workshop at the University of Liverpool, 7–11 February 2022

FCC workshop poster
(Image: CERN)

For the first time since the launch of the FCC feasibility study, the FCC physics community will gather in hybrid format (in person and online) for the fifth FCC physics workshop, which will take place at the University of Liverpool from 7 to 11 February 2022.

Registration and abstract submission are open on the Indico page of the workshop, where you will also find details and references about the event.

Up to 150 participants will be allowed on site on a “first registered, first served” basis in line with existing COVID-19 and social distancing protocols and recommendations. Remote participants will be able to attend all the plenary and parallel sessions via Zoom, while the poster session and all networking and social events will be for in-person participants only.

Online registration on Indico