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Emergency stop tests of the Prevessin site area 10

The emergency stop tests of the Prevessin site area 10 are planned on Saturday, February 13th, 2016 from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm

The emergency stop tests of the Prevessin site area 10 are planned on Saturday, February 13th, 2016 from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.

Frequent power cuts will occur on the PREVESSIN site area 10 (bldg 867, 864-865 blocks 1 & 2, 866-892 blocks 3 & 4, 904, 927, 926, 933, 880, 881, 939). The group EN-EL recommends that you turn off all your critical equipment and computer equipment.

For any further information please refer to the "note de coupure".