10 mar/25
14:00 (Europe/Zurich)
Ends: 12 mar/25 18:00

LumiDays 25


774/R-013 at CERN

Following the successful 2011, 2012 and 2019 workshops, we propose a new edition of the LHC LumiDays. The goal is to review the progress, since 2019 and over the first three years of Run 3, in the determination, by each Experiment, of the absolute LHC luminosity; the measurement of relevant beam parameters such as tunes, bunch populations, emittance evolution, or orbit drifts; and the characterization and mitigation of both accelerator- and luminometer-related systematic uncertainties.

This workshop will cover Run-2 results and the preliminary analyses of Run-3 data, with an emphasis on identifying studies and operational improvements that may prove useful in the upcoming last two years of Run-3 operations, or that will contribute to achieving high-accuracy luminosity determination in the early days of Run 4.

Program organization:

V. Balagura (LHCb), H. Bartosik (BE-ABP), F. Ferrari (LHCb), M. Gagliardi (ALICE), M. Gonzales-Berges (LHC-BI), M Hostettler (LHC-OP), W. Kozanecki (co-chair, ATLAS), K. Mönig (ATLAS), G. Pasztor (CMS), D. Stickland (co-chair, CMS), E. Torrence (ATLAS), J. Wanczyk (LHC-OP), C. Young (LPC)

Speakers should write up their contributions (1 paper per talk, no page limit but a recommended length of approximately 5 pages) using the JACoW templates.
All papers (format pdf and Word or LATeX with images) are to be uploaded directly to the Indico timetable, with as a target date the end of June 2025.

On Monday March 17 at 16:00 a Review meeting will be held in the same room at which summaries and takeaways from the workshop will be presented
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