CERN hosts live reddit Q&A on CMS open data
CERN conducted its fourth reddit AMA to discuss the recent release of 300 terabytes of data from the CMS collaboration
What makes CERN’s research great
As a newcomer to CERN, I find myself both honoured and humbled to have had the role of Research Director confided in me for five years
Computer Security: pimp up your password
A well-chosen, complex password for your CERN account might not be enough anymore
Ransomware: When it is too late...
Ransomware is a type of malware that restricts access to the infected computer system
Computer Security: what is your identity?
In the physical world this is fairly clear...
CMS releases new batch of LHC open data
The CMS collaboration makes 300 TB of high-quality data from the LHC available to the public through the CERN Open Data Portal
The CERN effect
An opinion article from Sijbrand de Jong, President of CERN Council, on using innovation and knowledge so cutting-edge research can benefit society
Computer Security: Mac security: nothing for old versions
A fundamental pillar of computer security is the regular maintenance of your code, operating system and application software...
Computer Security: playing hardball? Unfortunately necessary
Time and time again, we see PCs and laptops being infected at CERN...
GOSH! A roadmap for open-source science hardware
The goal of the Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH! 2016), was to lay the foundations of the open-source hardware for science movement