Explain it in 60 seconds: spin
Objects as large as a planet or as small as a photon can have the property of spin. Spin is also the reason we can watch movies in 3D.
A question of spin for the new boson
Physicists speaking today at the Moriond conference say that the new particle discovered at CERN last year is looking more and more like a Higgs boson
W boson published 30 years ago
On 24 February 1983 the journal Physics Letters B published a paper by the UA1 collaboration describing the discovery of the W boson
Fat antiatoms, laser beams and matter-antimatter asymmetry
An international team of collaborators are manipulating 'fat' antiatoms at the AEgIS experiment at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator
Free the quarks: Calculating the strong force
Forty years ago quarks gained their freedom – at least theoretically – and the modern theory of the strong interaction began to emerge
AEgIS completes installation
The recently installed AEgIS experiment will examine the effect of gravity on antimatter
Carrying the weak force: Thirty years of the W boson
On 25 January 1983, CERN physicists announced to the world the discovery of the W boson, an elementary particle that carries the weak force
Antimatter experiments present progress
At CERN today, the experiments at the Antiproton Decelerator presented updates on their work in 2012, and their hopes for 2013
Video: Colliding particles episode 11 - Higgs
This episode of the Colliding Particles series looks back at the July Higgs search update
A bouquet of options: Higgs factory ideas bloom
Proposals to build colliders that churn out the new Higgs-like particle are gathering momentum. But what would these colliders look like?