MINERvA searches for wisdom among neutrinos
MINERvA seeks to make precise measurements of neutrino cross-section on light and heavy nuclei
ELENA gets a roof over its head
Today CERN inaugurated the ELENA building (393) after less than a year's construction work
Neutrinos and nucleons
Measurements with neutrinos seemed impossible eight decades ago, but by 1974 the Gargamelle team had used them to reveal the quark structure of matter
Thorium: An energy source for the world of tomorrow ?
Watch the webcast of a discussion on thorium energy today at 4.30pm CET
François Englert talks Higgs bosons and supersymmetry
On his first trip to CERN since sharing the Nobel prize in physics last year with Peter Higgs, François Englert talks Higgs bosons and supersymmetry
A Nobel laureate's formula for the universe
Watch François Englert explain the equations for the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism that gives particles mass, with the help of a blackboard
Antimatter experiment produces first beam of antihydrogen
The ASACUSA experiment at CERN has succeeded for the first time in producing a beam of antihydrogen atoms
Fifty years of quarks
Fifty years ago, two physicists independently proposed the existence of the subatomic particles known as quarks
Webcast: Materials in the Flatland
Nobel prize laureate Kostya Novoselov of the University of Manchester will talk about graphene today at 4.30pm CET. Watch the webcast
CERN theorist Slava Rychkov wins $100,000 New Horizons prize
The Fundamental Physics Foundation recognized Russian theorist Slava Rychkov for breathing new life into conformal field theory