Chicago sees floods of LHC data and new results at ICHEP
Particle physicists are showcasing a wealth of brand new results from LHC experiments at CERN, at the “ICHEP 2016” conference in Chicago
Higgs Boson Pizza Day
CERN celebrated the fourth anniversary of the historical Higgs boson announcement with special pizzas
Make your own Higgs Boson pizza
To celebrate the fourth birthday of the Higgs boson announcement CERN invites you to make your own particle-based pizza
Help the Higgs find its siblings
A new citizen science project gives sofa-scientists the chance to search for previously undiscovered particles
Congratulations to SuperKEKB for “first turns"
The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan celebrates first turns and successful storage of beams in the SuperKEKB collider
CERN congratulates the discoverers of gravitational waves
Congratulations to LIGO and Virgo for the first ever direct detection of gravitational waves
ALPHA experiment shows antihydrogen charge is neutral
ALPHA shows the most accurate measurement yet of the electric charge of antihydrogen atoms in a new Nature paper
Neutrinos: after the Nobel Prize, the hunt continues
The 2015 Nobel Prize for physics rewards the long quest for understanding of the elusive neutrino
Antihydrogen at CERN: 20 years and going strong
In September 1995 physicists at CERN synthesised the first antihydrogen atoms, paving the way for today’s growing antimatter research
CAST explores the dark side of the universe
The astroparticle experiment tracks the Sun morning and evening to search for particles of dark matter and dark energy