NA62 sees first significant evidence of rare process
The result paves the way for searching for signs of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics
Rare phenomenon observed by ATLAS features the LHC as a high-energy photon collider
The ATLAS experiment reports the observation of photon collisions producing weak-force carriers and provides further insights into their interactions
CERN’s neutrino success story
The CERN Neutrino Platform has proved a major success in enabling European participation in long-baseline neutrino projects in the US and Japan
ISOLDE reveals fundamental property of rarest element on Earth
The finding is significant for both fundamental and medical research, as the element is a promising candidate for cancer treatment by targeted alpha therapy
ATLAS result addresses long-standing tension in the Standard Model
A new ATLAS measurement of a key feature of the Standard Model known as lepton flavour universality suggests that a previous discrepancy measured by the LEP collider in W boson decays may be due to a fluctuation
Chasing particles with tiny electric charges
Researchers have conducted the first search at a hadron collider for elementary particles with electric charges smaller than a tenth of the electron charge
LHCb discovers a new type of tetraquark at CERN
The LHCb collaboration has observed an exotic particle made up of four charm quarks for the first time
NA64 explores gap in searches for axions and axion-like particles
The NA64 collaboration has conducted its first search for axions and axion-like particles, targeting an unexplored area
Particle physicists update strategy for the future of the field in Europe
The CERN Council today announced that it has updated the strategy that will guide the future of particle physics in Europe
Search for new physics through multiboson production
At the LHCP conference this year, the ATLAS and CMS experiments presented new results relating to a physics process called vector boson scattering